Get Dr. Haavik in your PRACTICE Now

Over 50 videos for your website
Public Health Talks to download
Waiting Room Videos
Referenced research articles
25+ Years of Chiropractic Neuroscience Research
Over 80 Published Papers in International Journals
What is Chiros Hub?
Everything you need to explain the benefits of chiropractic
Chiros Hub is a resource library designed to help Chiropractors enlighten their patients about the benefits of chiropractic care.
It was created by a team of chiropractors and scientists headed by chiropractor and Neurophysiologist Dr. Heidi Haavik.
It enables you to run awareness campaigns about spinal function and chiropractic care
Enlightened patients become lifelong customers of chiropractic!

How does it work?
Sign up and become a member. All members can download and use over 200+ video, digital, and print resources to share with patients.
Embed the videos on your website.
Download and use the videos in your waiting rooms
Share the video snippets and digital resources on Social Media
Customize the health talks for your presentations
As a chiropractor and neurophysiologist, Dr. Haavik has a gift of explaining the complexity of the latest scientific understanding of the brain and nervous system in easily understandable and explainable terms, making the shift from the lecture theatre to the adjusting room effortless for the practicing chiropractor.

Ross McDonald
Video Animations
There are currently over 50+ whiteboard animations (fully referenced) to keep chiropractors up to date with the latest scientific evidence
The Importance of Sleep
Mental Health
Lower Back Pain
Waiting Room Videos
Custom Made with Subtitles
There is no better time to educate your patients than when they visit.
Download and use the popular “Introduction to Chiropractic” series that explains why you should visit a chiropractor, how often, the safety of chiropractic care, chiropractic techniques, stress, and much more. Show it in your waiting room and enlighten your patients about the proven benefits of chiropractic care based on scientific evidence.
Health Talks
Award-winning chiropractors look at the latest research and interpret it for you. Our health talks have been designed for you to communicate the science of chiropractic to the public.
These Health talks are complete with downloadable scripts, videos, and presentations for you to customize and use however you please.
Video Snippets
Short-length videos that are perfect for sharing on social media platforms.
Research Articles
Chiropractic research articles to use, referenced, and backed by the latest scientific research.